Philippines Parties

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Philippines Parties

Also see Philippine Ministers

1983 Leader of New Society Movement Party Imelda Ramúaldez Marcos
First Lady, Minister, Governor and Presidential Candidate

1984-86 Chairperson of Convenors Group Corazon C. Aquino
Leader of the opposition against President Marcos and elected President in 1987.

1984-86 Chairperson of the Liberal Party Eva Calew

1986-93 Chairperson Woen for the Motherland Tarhata Luchman

1991- Chairperson of the Reform Party Miriam Defensor Santiago
Member of the Government, Presidential Candidate, Senator

Circa 1993- Secretary General of Partido ngBayan/New Peoples Alliance Sonia P. Sotta
A militant left-wing movement

2003- President of the Gabriela Women's Party Liza Largoza Maza



Last update 07.07.04