Denmarks Lensmaend

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Danish Women Lensmænd (County Sheriffs)
he fiefs were not hereditary, but the tenant holder - Lensmand - was appointed by the king - normally for life, but they often exchanged tenantcies. If a lensmand died in office his widow or other heirs would administer the tenantcy until the "books were closed" - normally for about a year. Sometimes couples were appointed joint lendmaend for life and on other occiations women were appointed fiefholders in their own right of a county and sometimes also with an additional Herred (Wapentake - county subdivision). The lensmand was the local represenative of the king, received taxes and excises, was in charge of the military and held the right to appoint judges etc. After the introduction of the Absolutism in 1660, the system was abolished. The landscape of Skåne was conquered by Sweden in 1658. For many centuries the Queen Dowagers were given the islands of Lolland-Falster as their dowry, to witch they retired after they became widows. 

See also Denmark Heads and Danish County Sheriffs

1286 Dowager Lady of Lolland-Falster Queen Dowager Agnes of Brandenburg
Widow of King Erik 5. Klipping and regent for son, Erik 6. Menved (1286-...). Later married to Count Gerhard of Holsten and mother of another son. (d. 1304)

1364-84 Reigning Dowager Lady Rikardis Schwerin-Wittenburg of the Island of Als med Sønderborg with several shires in Southern Jutland (Sønderjylland) in Slesvig
Widow of Valdemar 3, who was King of Denmark 1326-30 and Duke of Slesvig 1325- 26 and 1330-64. He was 11 years old when the Council of the Realm chose him as successor of the deposed King Christoffer 7, with his mother's brother, Count Gert 3. von  Holsten-Rendsborg as regent. This led to civil war and peasent's uprisings, and Christoffer was reinstated and Valdemar became Duke of Slesvig. She was mother of two sons, Valdemar (circa 1338– 60) and Henrik who inherited the duchy. She (d. circa 1384).

1370-83 Lensmand Helene Olufsdatter Lunge of Bjernedegård Len with Stormandsgården
Helene Lunge was widow of Evert Moltke, she followed her husband as holder of the tenantcy appointed by the Bishop of Roskilde (Bispelensmand). She lived (circa 1540-83).

Circa 1395-1405 Lensmand Gertrud Pedersdatter Grubbe of Horsetofte and Ellinge Len
Gertrud Grubbe held the very small estate as a tenant as the Bishop of Roskilde. She was so-called Bispelensmand. She was married to Erik Barnumsen til Skarsholm (d. 1367). She ( d. circa 1405)

1411-... Lensmand Marie of Havelse Len
She took over as county sheriff appointed by the bishop (Bispelensmand) Torsten Venstermand. Her background is not known.

1461-80 Lensmand Hebele Lydikesdatter of Nygård Len
Heble Kande or Kane was widow of Peder Eriksen Gyldenstierne and took over the function as County Sheriff of the Tenantcy of the Bishop of Roskilde (Bispelensmand). She Chief of the Court (Hofmesterinde) of Queen Dorothea and allowed to enjoy the income of the City Tax of Odense. The daughter of Lydike Kane or Kande and Elsebe Daa, she lived (circa 1420-80).

1480-1502 Joint Lensmand Margrethe Henriksdatter Friis of Kirkendrup and Fremmeløv Len, Denmark
Margrethe Friis was appointed jointly with her husband, Morten Tinhuus Skinkel, for life. Her son Laurids Skinkel paid it off from her in 1502. She (d. circa 1511).

1481-1521 Royal Lensmand of Næsbyhoved, Rugård and Tranekær, Hindsherred Queen Kristine

1484-95 Lensmand of Dronningholm (Personal) Birgitte Thott
A major land-owner. (d. 1498)

1500-39 Lensmand Anne Corfitzdatter Rønnow of Risby Birk Len
Anne Rønnow til Fårevejle was widow of Erik Hardenberg, who was killed during the war in the Ditmarsk (Ditmarskertoget).

1500-26 Lensmand Sophie Pederdatter Høeg Banner of Jungshoved Len
Sophie Høeg til Maribo Sankt Jørgensgård was widow of Ebbe Mogens Galt, who was killed during the war in the Ditmarsk (Ditmarskertoget). Mother of 3 surviving children, she (d. 1531).

Until 1500 Lensmand Tale Arvidsdatter Baad of Majbølle Birk (The Denmark, new Sweden)
Tale Baad til Vasted in Halland held the tenantcy as security for lones to the king. She was widow of Laurits Follersen Knob til Gyllebo in Skåne. She lived (circa 1434-1500).

After 1502-10 Lensmand Margrethe Andersdatter Grubendal of Abildtorp Birk Len
Margrethe Grubendal til Broholm was widow of Johan Fikkesen Fikkesen, County Sheriff of Harritsborg. She later became Mistress of the convent of Skt. Jørgens Møn

Around 1506 Lensmand Mette Joachimsdatter Hardenberg of Saling and Sund Herreds Len
1520-circa 28 Lensmand of Salling Herreds Len
Mette Hardenberg was widow of Markvard Rønnov (d. 1506) til Hvidkilde. After some years she lost first Sunds and later also Salling, but later she recovered the latter tenantcy together with her son, Eiler Rønnov after a few years. (d. circa 1550).

1507-18 Lensmand of Højstrup (Personal)
Anne Meinstorf
1523-35 Lensmand of Everdrup (Personal)

1511-.. Lensmand Karen Nielsdatter Grubbe of Snedinge Len
Karen Grubbe was daughter of Niels Gruppe, who was appointed County Sheriff of the Bishop of Roskilde in 1500. (Bispelensmand). She was widow of Søren Daa, and apparently she bought the tenantcy from the bishop.

1513-50 Lensmand of Sundsherred (Personal) Else Tot
1521-47 Lensmand of Nørvangsherred and Hønberg (Personal)

1515-circa 27 Lensmand
Mette Iversdatter Dyre of Hørby
Politically Influential  in Sweden 1504-12

1515-44 Lensmand Alhed Jørgendatter Urne of Farum Len with Farumgård
Alhed Urne contiunes as Lensmand appointed by the Bishop of Roskilde and after the reformation in 1536 she is granted the tenantcy for life. She was widow of Tetz Jensen Rosengård, who was County Sheriff until his death in 1485. She (d. 1544).

1516-52 Lensmand Birgitte Thott of Medelsom and Sønderlyngherred Len
Birgitte Thott acted after the death of Niels Eriksen Rosenkrantz.

1517-35 Lensmand Karen Bentsdatter Bille of Bygholm Len with Bjerge, Hattinge, Nim and Vor Herreds
Karen Bille took over the tenantcy after the death of her husband, Henrik Knudsen Gyldenstierne. 7 of her 22 children survived, and she lived (circa 1470-1540).

1518-29 Lensmand Drude Claudatter Krummedige of Skibelunde, Hoby and Vester Ulslev Len
Drude Krummedige was widow of Christian Rantzau, former County Sheriff of Nyborg, who had been granted the tenantcy for the liftime of both of them in 1516. She had first been married to Otto Krumpen.

1519-possibly 21 Acting Lensmand Johanne Henriksdatter Sparre of Holbæk Len with Merløse and Tudse Herreds, Denmark
Johanne Sparrre til til Haglösa took over after the death of her first husband Erik Pedersen Bille, later she married Aage Axelsen Brahe til Sireköpinge. She (d. 1568).

Circa 1519-44 Joint Lensmand Alhed Jørgensdatter Urne of Farum Len, Demark
Alhed Urne was widow of Tetz Rosengaard (d. 1519) and held the tenantcy jointly with her son Jens Tetzsen. She (d. 1544).

1521-28 Lensmand Sophie Jørgendatter Rud of Isolte Len in Halland (Then Denmark, Now Sweden)
Sophie Rud, who was also known as Rudsdatter, was appointed jointly with her husband, Tyge Brahe and took over the administration after his death in 1523. Her second husband, Erik Madsen Bølle was County Sheriff 1528-63. She (d. 1551).

1521-.. Lensmand Mette Borkvardsdatter Skinkel, Harridslevgård
1527-39/42 Lensmand of Odense Møntergård
Mette Skinkel til Torpegård and Åsum, was also known as Skinkelsdatter, she was named successor to Harridslevgård tenantcy (fik ventebrev) in 1514, and took over after the death of her husband, Tjelluf Eriksen Bjørn (Tilluf Eriksøn). Was later granted Odense Møntergård for life. She (d. 1539/42).

1521-after 26 Lensmand Anne Pedersdatter of Thurø Len
Jomfru Anne (Miss or virgin) was granted the island south of Svendborg, in 1526 it was noted that she was not to "interfere with the peasants" (ikke befatte sig med bønderne).

After 1523-circa 29 Lensmand Lene Ludvigsdatter Rosenkrantz of Lunde with several parishes in Mors, Denmark
Lene Rosenkrantz til Estrup was widow of Thomas Iversen Juel, who was in office from 1520. The tenantcy was paid off by her son Iver Juel after her death. She (d. 1529).

1524-31 Lensmand of Gårdsstange Ingeborg Parsberg (Skåne)

1524 Acting Lensmand Karen Steensdatter Gøye of Skivehus Len with Nørre, Harre, Hindborg and Rødding Herreds
Karen Gøye was in charge after the death of her husband, Niels Pedersen Høeg Banner.

1528-51 Lensmand Pernille Mogendsater Gøye of Jungshoved Len
Pernille Gøye was widow of Anders Ebbesen Galt til Tyrrstrup, Rubjerggård og Skumstrup (d. 1529). She was granted the tenantcy for life in 1528. She (d. 1551).

1529-31 Lensmand of Hagenskov (Personal) Sofie Gyldenstierne

1530-33 Lensmand of Roskilde Vor Frue Kloster (Dowager) Anne Rud
A major land-owner. Vor Frue Kloster mean's Our Lady's Convent. She died (1533)

1530 Acting Lensmand Lene Christoffersdatter Hak of Næsby Birk
Lene Hak til Egholm was the sole heir of her family, as her father, Christoffer Hak, was the last male of the family. She was in charge of the tenantcy after the death of her husband, Hans Krafse. The mother of two surviving children, she (d. 1551).

1532 Lensmand Sophie Predbjørnsdatter Podebusk of Malmøhus Len with Oxle, Ingelstad and Jærestad Herred and Høgby Len (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
1532-40 Lensmand of Ellinge Len
1538-40 Lensmand of Isløf Len
Sophie Podebusk administered the tenantcies after the death of her husband, Albert Jepsen Ravensberg, who had been invested with the fief in 1529. She was later given Isløf for life. (d. 1540).

1532-4. Lensmand Eline Henningsdatter Godov of Rønnebæksholm Len
Eline Godov was widow of Henrik Gøye til Gisselfeldt, County Sheriff of Korsør 1516-23, Royal Stadtholder in Sweden 1522, Stadtholder of Sjælland 1522 when Christian 2 left the country. 1524 he had to surrender Copenhagen to Frederik 2 and went abroad for some years, until he joined Frederik 2 and given Vordingborg as a tenantcy 1525 and finally Councillor of the Realm at the time of his death. In 1537 she was given 13 farms in Rønnebæk and 11 in the surroundings. She was mother of 3 children, and (d. after 1551).

1532-59 Lensmand Elline Stensdatter Bille of Fredsgård with Tømmerup at Halsnæs
Eline or Elline Bille was widow of Bispelensmand Morids Skave (d. 1532), who was appointed Holder of the Tenantcy of the Bishop of Roskilde circa 1520. After the reformation in 1536 she is granted the fief for life by the king who had taken over all the estates owned by the Catholic Church (Krongods). She (d. 1559).

1533-36 Lensmand Hilleborg Pedersdatter Bille of Kirkendrup and Fremmeløv Len
Her husband, Laurids Tinhuus Skinkel, whose mother, Margrethe Friis, held the tenantcy 1480-1502, had it confirmed for both of them for life in 1523, and she took charge after his death. Their daugther, Anna Skinkel married Frans Brockenhuus, who took over after her death. She lived (1474-1536).

1534-36 Lensmand of Ørum (Dowager) Kristine Friis

1534-35 Joint Lensmand Anna Markvardsdatter Rønnov of Ruggård Len with Skovsby Herred, Løgismose Len and the City of Skelskør, Denmark
Anna Rønnov til Løgismose was appointed together tiwh her her husband, Johan Jørgensen Urne, who died in 1537 in prison and was deprived of his possessions because of his in the Feud of the Count. Her mother, Mette Hardenberg was County Sheriff of Sallng and Sunds Herreds from around 1506. (d. before 1572).

1535-68 Dowager Lady of Lolland-Falster Queen Sophie of Pommern
It was given to her as a dowry (Livgeding) when her husband, King Frederik I ascended to the throne in 1523. Also given the German Castles Kiel and Plön and adjourning areas in Holsten. She lived (1498-1568)

1535 Acting Lensmand Ellen Andersdatter Gøye of Vissenbjerg Birk and Æbelø etc.
Ellen Gøye was given charge of the tenantcies. Her husband, Jørgen Henningsen Quitzow, was Chancellor of the Realm 1537-44 when he died. She became Abbess of Maribo and (d. after 1558).

1535-36 Lensmand of Gislumsherred (Dowager) Kirstine Lykke

1535-37 Lensmand of Ravnsborg (Dowager) Mette Gøye

1535-53 Lensmand Cecilie Nielsdatter Lange Munk of Hillerslev Sogn
Cecilie Lange (Also known as Sidsel) was widow of Anders Reventlow til Søbo, who was in office from 1527 until his death 1535. The tenantcy was owned jointly by the brothers, Jacob and Knud Reventlow 1553-61..

1535 Acting Lensmand Inger Olufsdatter Falster of Øster Thisted Birk
Inger Flaster of Laurids Madsen Vasspyd til Ålestrup and Rudbjergård and Judge in Lolland. It is not known when he took office, but he followed Karen, who held it as security for lones sometime in the begnining of the 1500s. Mother of several children. She (d. after 1551).

1536 Acting Lensmand Karen Nielsdatter Lange of Holmegård Len
Karen Lange (also known as Karine) was widow of Kjeld Iversen Juel (d. 1536), who was appinted County Sheriff of the Bishoply Tenantcy (Bispelensmand) of Holmgaard in Bølle Herred by his brother, Bishop Hartvig Juel of Roskilde. She (d. 1555).

1536-37 Lensmand Sophie Olufsdatter Gøye of Havelse Len
Sophie Gøye was appointed county sheriff by the local bishop (Bispelensmand). After her death, the tenantcy reverts to the king. Probably widow of Henning Venstermand, who exists in the records until 1496. She (d. 1537).

1537-4. Lensmand Christence Jensdatter Ulfstand of Krønge Birk
Christence Ulfstand was widow of Tønne Tønnesen Viffert. She later withdrew to Skt. Clara Kloster (Convent). The mother of 4 children, she (d. before 1545).

1537-4. Lensmand Christence Jensdatter Ulfstand of Krønge Birk
Christence Ulfstand was widow of Tønne Tønnesen Viffert. She later withdrew to Skt. Clara Kloster (Convent). The mother of 4 children, she (d. before 1545).

1537-40 Lensmand Maren of Holbækgård Len
Widow of Anders Jacobsen Bjørn, who had been granted the tenantcy for both of them for life in 1527. Her background is unknown.

Until 1537 Lensmand Anne Jonsdatter Viffert of Bækmark Mølle
Anne Viffert was widow of Markvard Eilersen Juel (Krabbe-Juel). Held the Mill as a tenantcy from the bishop of Ribe, and handed it over to her son, Bertel Juel just before her son. She (d. 1537).

1538-51 Lensmand Ide Thomesdatter Lange of Estates in Vester Herred, Lydum etc.
Ide Lange was widow of of Morits Jepsen Sparre til Svanholm (d. 1534), who had first been married to Karine Pedersdatter Høeg Banner. Ide secondly married Henning Jørgen Qvistzow til Sandager.

1539-44 Lensmand Karen Hansdatter Breide of Svendstrup Len
Karen Breide til Kjeldet was bispelensmand - appointed by the bishop. She was married to Gunde Lange til Bregninge, Bølling og Holmegård (d. 1564). She was mother of 5 children, one of whom was Dorthe Lange, who was County Sheriff of Kalø in 1596. and (d. 1551).

1539-46 Lensmand Inger Torbernsdatter Present of Rude and Stærrede
Inger Present was in charge of the former bishop-tenantcy (bispelen) which now belonged to the crown. She was widow of Erik Daa.

154.. Lensmand Gertrud Tønnesdatter Parsberg of Annisegård
Gertrud Parsberg held the tenantcy as security for lones in a period of 9 years. She was widow of Johan Bjørnsen Bjørn (d. 1534). She (d. 1552).

1540-45  Lensmand of Åsum Anne Trolle (Skåne)

1540 Acting Lensmand Christine Johansdatter Urne of Amtofte Len
Kristine or Christine Urne was widow of Iver Hansen Skeel til Palsgård and Nygård. She (d. after 1545).

1540-55 Lensmand Berte Eggertsdatter Ulfeldt of Herrested Birk
Beate or Berte Ulfeldt was widow of Niels Evertsen Bild til Ranvholt, who had the tenantcy granted with the specification that she would keep it for 5 years after his death, and for their children 5 years after her death. She lived (d. 1555).

1540-41 Acting Lensmand Anne Henriksdatter Friis of Åstrup Len with Vennebjerg and Jerslev Herreds
Anne Friis was the second wife of Ove Vincentsen Lunge, who had 3 daughters with his first wife, Karen Rosenkrantz and 8 children by her.

1541-51 Acting Lensmand Anne Nielsedatter Rosenkrantz of Båstad in Skåne (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
Widow of Tyge Krabbe who held it as security for lones to King Frederik I. Her son-in-law, Peder Skram paid it off. She lived (circa 1490-1551).

1541-42 Acting Lensmand Sidsel Timmesdatter Rosenkrantz of Vesterherred Len
Sidsel Rosenkrantz was widow of Erik Krumedige. (d. 1557).

Until 1541 Acting Lensmand Elline Corfitzdatter Rønnov of Askimne in Halland (At the time Denmark, now Sweden)
Ellen or Elline Rønnow was widow of Claus Ågesen Thott til Hjuleberga (d. circa 1522). She held a number of separate estates 1523-24. She (d. before 1544).

1541 Acting Lensmand Kirsten Handatter Holck of Ellinge Len
Kirsten Holck til Barritskov was first married Peder Lauridsen Baden and follwed him as holder of the bishoply tenantcy. (Bispelensmand) Her second husband was Steen Brahe til Knudstrup. She (d. circa 1599).

1541-44 Lensmand Dorthe Hennekesdatter Sehested of Ellinge BispeLen and Årupgård Len.
Daughter of Hennk Sehested, who had not been Lensmand of the tenantcy (Bispelensmand). She first married Otto Drewe, then Mikkel Grape and finally Mogens Kaas til Brendore. (d. 1579).

1541-69 Lensmand Susanne Eilersdatter Bølle of Marup Len
Susanne Bølle til Nakkebølle was first married to Claus Eriksen Ravensberg and secondly to Jcob Mikkelsen Brockenhuus til Damsbo. She (d. 1569).

1542-51 Lensmand of Holmekloster (Dowager) Sophie Lykke
Major land-owner. (died circa 1570)

1542-44 Lensmand Maren Christiansdatter Spend of Oksvang Len
Maren Spend was widow of Hans Lange Munk, who had died already in 1535.

1542-64 Lensmand Ermegaard Andersdatter Bille of Øster Velling Birk
1563-64 Lensmand of Viskumsgård with Synderlng Herred
Ermegaard Bille was widow Jørgen Podebusk. She paid off the other heirs and was granted Østervelling for life, and held Viskumsgård as security for lones (Pantelen). She (d. 1564).

1542-71 Joint Lensmand Catharine Markvardsdatter Buchwald of Harridslevgård
Catharine Buchwald was ppointed jointly with husband, Jørgen Svave. They both (d. 1571).

1545 Lensmand of Abrahamstrup (Dowager) Ide Munk
Major land-owner (died 1586)

1548-49 Lensmand of Lundenæs (Dowager) Ingeborg Drefeld

1549-74 Lensmand of Nøsbyholm Abele Breide (Skåne)

After 1549-74 Lensmand Karen Eilersdatter Bølle of Toreby Birk, Denmark
Karen Bølle til Hellerup og Søbo was widow of Laue Johansen Urne til Rygård (d. 1559) and held the tenantcy jointly with Jacob Brockenhuus as security for lones. She had first been married to Marqvard Tidemandd ti lHellerup and did not have chidlren, and (d. 1582).

1550-61 Lensmand of Skjoldnæs (Dowager) Eline Gøye
A major landowner, and sister of Birgitte Gøye. Eline lived (circa 1510-63). 

1551-52 Lensmand of Kalundborg (Dowager) Sidsel Ulfstand
1552-circa 75 Lensmand of  Villandsherred (Dowager) Sidsel Ulfstand
A major landowner. (died circa 1575)

1551-.. Lensmand Sophie Holgersdatter Rosenkrantz, Börringe Kloster (Skåne)
She was widow of Axel Axelsen Brahe til Krageholm, Hammar, Vittskövle og Tunbyholm (d. 1551), and (d. 1558).

1551-54 Lensmand Ane Christensdatter of Hindselgård with Refs Herred in Thy
Widow of Jens Lassen, citizen of Hostebro, who had held the tenantcy as security for lones. After his death, she was given royal permision to keep the tenantcy for life. She handed over the right to the administration and income to Erik Rud but kept the estate.

Until 1551 Lensmand of Sandby Birgitte Bilie (Skåne)
Until 1553 Lensmand of  Katsløse

1551 Lensmand Eline of Nygård Len
Widow of Anders Rølike.

Until 1553 Lensmand Johanne Jørgensdatter Krumpen of Kjølskegård Len
Johanne Krumpen was widow of Jacob Eskilsen Høegh til Lergrav, Eskær Vang and Kjølskegård, who died after 1528 at a not known time. She lived (circa 1480-circa 1553).

1555-56 Lensmand of Gårdsstange Sidsel Parsberg (Skåne)

1555-56 Acting Lensmand Anne Pedersdatter Lykke of Stege Len with the two Herreds of Møn
1569/70-74 Lensmand of Medelsom and Sønderlyngherred Len with Spøtrup
Anne Lykke til Demstrup administered Stege after her first husband, Anders Bentsen Bille til Søholm, was killed in the Feud of the Count and was in charge of Medelsom etc. after the death of her seond husband, to Otto Jørgensen Krumpen til Trudsholk, a member of one of the oldest noble families of the country and one of the most influential men of their time, who died without issue as the last male member of the family. Her last husband was Claus Daa. Her branch of the family Lykke was also known as Lykke Munk til Overgaard. She died after 1574.

1556-57 Lensmand Sidsel Andersdatter Bille of Gårdstange Len and Frost Herred (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
Widow of Niels Tønnesen Parsbjerg til Kulla Gunnarstorp, Lensmand of Vrejlev Len(d. 1556). She (d. 1566).

1556-80 Lensmand Mette Hansdatter Lange Munk of Holmegård
Mette Lange became in charge of the tenantcy after her husband, Iver Kjeldesen Juel, died the same year he became County Sheriff. She was later granted the tenantcy for life.

circa 1557-74 Acting Lensmand Sidsel Clausdatter Bille of Kjølskegård Len
Sidsel Bille was widow of Just Jacobsen Høeg Banner til Vang og Lergrav (d. 1557), who had first been married to Mette Mogensdatter Gøye.

Circa 1558-62 Acting Lensmand Bege Pedersdatter Skram of Brinkgård
Bege Skram til Stovgård was widow of Jørgen Hansen Juel. Apparently only one daughter, Karen Juel, survived. She (d. after 1562).

1558-67 Joint Lensmand Margrethe Jochumsdatter Beck of Ruggård Len with Skovsby Herred
Margrethe Beck was appointed jointly with her husband, Palle Christoffersen Ulfeldt (d. 1571) for a period of 20 years, but died after 9 years. Her husband then married Margrethe Clausdatter Brockenhuus. She (d. 1567).

1558-67 Joint Lensmand Margrethe Jochumsdatter Beck of Ruggård Len with Skovsby Herred
Margrethe Beck was appointed jointly with her husband, Palle Christoffersen Ulfeldt (d. 1571) for a period of 20 years, but died after 9 years. Her husband then married Margrethe Clausdatter Brockenhuus. She (d. 1567).

1559-1571 Lensmand of Koldinghus Queen Dowager Dorothea of Sachsen-Lauenburg
Widow of Christian 3, her dowry also included the Estate of Åkær and Dronningborg. She lived (1511-71)

1559-60 Acting Lensmand Øllegaard Jacobsdatter Trolle of Visborg Len with Gotland (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
Øllegaard Trolle was a major landowner, widow of Christoffer Hvidtfeldt, mother of 11 children, and lived (1513-78).

1559-60 Acting Lensmand Lucie Mortensdatter of Jonstrup Len
Daughter of Morten Ebbensen til Gavnø, possibly of the Laale-family, and Benedikte Rubek, and took over the administration after the death of her husband, Christian Eriksen Pors (or Christiern).

Until 1560 Lensmand Karen Gans of Ydernæs Len
Widow of Thomas Logen (or Lage), who died in the 1550s. Her second husband, Jacob Krafse became County Sheriff 1560-circa 72.

1561-67 Lensmand of Skjoldnæs (Personal) Anne Rosenkrantz
A major land-owner. She lived (1522-89)

1561-62 Acting Lensmand Mette Eriksdatter Hardenberg of Biskoptorp
Mette Hardenberg was widow of Didrik Henningsen Qvistzow til Rørbæk etc. (d. 1561). Mother of one daughter, Anne. She (d. 1573)..

1561-62 and 1562-72 Lensmand of Skivehus (Dowager) Magdelene Banner

1561-62 Lensmand Karen Globsdatter Krabbe of Amtofte Len, Amtofte Kloster and Thistedgård with Hundborg Herred
1579 Lensmand of Vinderslevgård Len
Until 1586 Lensmand of Amtofte and Strekhals Len
Karen Krabbe til Nissum, Skovsgård og Voergård, or Karen Krabbe Glob, was married to Nils Hansen Skeel Nygård, Vinderslevgård, Ullerup, Merringgård, Nipgård, Skovsgård, Momtoftegård og Thistedgård (d. 1561). She settled the inheritance with her son-in-law Otto Banner and got Vinderslevgård in exchange. Her daughter, Ingeborg Skeel, was County Sheriff from 1585. She lived (1509-86).

1561-62 Lensmand Anne Albrechtsdatter Glob of Sebber Kloster and Asmild Kloster

1561-72 Lensmand Jytte Presbjørnsdatter Podebusk of Vestervig Kloster
Jytte Podebusk was widow of Knud Gyldenstierne (d. 1568), who held the tenantcy before her. She (d. 1573).

Anne Glob was widow of Jørgen Urne (d. 1558), and was appointed to both tenantcies for life. (d. 1562).
1562-73 Lensmand of Skodborg (Dowager) Margrethe Rantzau

1563-65 Lensmand of Stege (Acting) Susanne Bølle
She run the fief during her husband, admiral Jakob Brokkenhuus' imprisonment in Sweden

1563-65 Lensmand Ingeborg Andersdatter Bille of Øvid Kloster
Jomfru Ingeborg Bille held the tenantcy as security for lones. She was a rich landowner and inherited Egedegaard from her two unmarried aunts, Ermegaard Bentdsatter and Birgitte Torbendsdatter Bille who had inherited the estate from their fathers, the brothers' Bent and Torben who owned it jointly. Both cousins died 1587, and from these three unmarried women - Jomfruer - the estate got the present name, Jomfruens Egede (Egede of the Virgin (or unmarried lady)). She (d. 1608).

1563-after 68 Lensmand Lisbet Johansdatter Urne of Klingstrup Len
Lisbet Urne was widow of Peder Lykke til Skovsbo, granted the tenantcy for life. 1577 she married Johan Bockholt. She (d. 1584).

1563-71 Lensmand Ellen Pallesdatter Bang of Lønborggård Len and Lønborg Birk
Ellen Bang was widow of Jørgen Hennekesen Kremon Rantzau til Kærgård og Lønborggård. 1570 she was permitted to keep the tenantcy for 8 years, but it was paid off the following year when she married the German noble Ernst von Reckenberg. Her third husband was
Mads Nielsen Skade.

1563-91 Lensmand Agnete Busksdatter Skenk of Pandumgård Len with Hornum Herred and the Estate of Snorup
Agnete Skenk til Brudagergård was widow of Jørgen Jørgensen Prip til Pandumgård len. She (d. before 1599).

1563-64 Lensmand of Svaløv Else Ulfstand (Skåne)
1567-? Lensmand of Rørum Else Ulfstand (Skåne)
She administered Rørum together with Tale Ulfstand

1563-87 Lensmand of Søfed Margrete Urup (Skåne)

1564-73 Lensmand Johanne Nielsdatter Rotfeld of Hindstedherred Len
Johanne Rotfeld til Eskær was widow of Hans Lykke, but apparently appointed to the tenantcy in her own right.

1565-82 Joint Lensmand Catharine Gregoriusdatter Ahlefeldt of Gladsaxe Len with Alboherred
She was appointed joint County Sheriff together with her husband, Hans Spiegel til Borreby (d. 1599) as security for lones. She had first been married to Johan Stake and Lucas Krabbe. Her husband married Hilleborg Hansdatter Lindenov til Julskov (d. 1602), widow of Emmike Kaas after her death. She (d. 1582).

1564-66 Lensmand of Åstrup (Dowager) Margrete Reventlow

1564-79 Lensmand Lene Tønnesdatter Viffert of Dalby Kloster (Then Denmark, now Sweden)
Granted the tenantcy after the death of her first husband, Jacob Sehested til Havelsegård i Havelse Magle, but had to promise to marry Klaus Unger, who was given the right of succesion after her death. (fik ventebrev).

1564-74 Lensmand of Kapelgård (Dowager) Birgitte Gøye
1565 Lensmand of Ringkloster (Dowager)
1571-72 Lensmand of Åkær (Personal)
1572 Lensmand of Ydernæs (Personal)
One of the biggest land-owners of her time. She lived (circa 1511-74)

1564-65 Acting Lensmand Regitze Grubbe of Gladsaxe Len with Albo Herred
Widow of Erik Ugerup.

1564-? Lensmand Karen Jacobsdatter Ged of Gisleberg Len
Karen Ged til Røsøholm og Jordbjærg was widow of Mogens Krabbe til Vegholm og Skillinge, and held the tenantcy as security for lones. (d. 1587).

1565-66 Lensmand of Kalundborg (Dowager) Mette Rosenkrantz
1565-67 Lensmand of Strø (Skåne)
A major land-owner. She lived (circa 1533-88)

1565-85 Lensmand of Lundenæs (Dowager) Abele Skeel

1565-67 Lensmand of Fliginde Elsbe Brahe (Skåne)

1565-82 Joint Lensmand Catharine Gregoriusdatter Ahlefeldt of Gladsaxe Len with Alboherred
She was appointed joint Lensmand together with her husband, Hans Spiegel til Borreby (d. 1599) as security for lones. She had first been married to Johan Stake and Lucas Krabbe. Her husband married Hilleborg Hansdatter Lindenov til Julskov (d. 1602), widow of Emmike Kaas after her death. She (d. 1582).

1565-66 Acting Lensmand Apollonia Frederiksdatter von Ahlefeldt of Hagenskov Len with Bogherred
Apollonia von Ahlefeldt was widow of Joachim Brockdorff. She was daughter of Frederik von Ahlefeldt, of Pinneburg in Slesvig-Holstein and Catharine Henningsdatter Pogwisch. She was mother of one son, and lived (circa 1515-88).

1565-78 Lensmand Ide Truidsdatter Ulfstand of Hassens Birk
1587 Acting Lensmand of Marup
1589-91 Lensmand of Mørup in Halland (Then Denmark, now Sweden)
Ide Ulfstand was widow of Falk Gøye, she held Hassens as security for lones and exchanged Marup and Mørup with other properties in an agreement with Eiler Brokkenhuus. Granted Mørup with out any duties to the king when she followed Princess Anne to Sachen. She (d. circa 1604).

1565-91 Lensmand Inger Johansdatter Oxe of Lund Sankt Peders Kloster (Then Denmark, Now Sweden) and Søllestedgaard Len
Inger Oxe was widow of Jørgen Brahe til Tostrup. As they did not have any chidren they raised the later famous astronomer Tycho Brahe. Chief of the Court (Hofmesterinde) of Queen Sophie af Mecklenburg 1572-84. She (d. 1591).
1565-74 Lensmand Pernille Johansdatter Oxe of Korstør Len with Flakkebjerg and Slagelse Herred
Pernille Oxe was appointed to the tenantcy in succession to her late husband, Admiral Otto Rud, who had died in a Swedish prison. The sister of Inge and Sidsel Oxe and the Chancellor Peder Johansen Oxe, she lived (1530-76).

Around 1565 Lensmand Birgitte Clausdatter Bille of Svendstrup Len
1575-? Lensmand of Ydernæs Len
Birgitte Bille was widow of Christoffer Galle and held the tenantcy as security for lones (Pantelen). She (d. after 1613).

1566-? Lensmand of Broby Sidsel Oxe (Skåne)
1571-92 Lensmand of  Rødinge (Skåne)
1573-74 Lensmand of Ålborghus (Dowager) 
She administered Rødinge together with Beate Bille

1566-68 Lensmand Margrethe Nielsdatter Rotfeldt of Ulvskov Len
Margrethe Rotfeldt was widow of Hans Mandrupsen Holk, who defended Varberg Castle in Halland against the Swedish troops, but was run over and held prisoner with her and their 2 children. He died shortly after and they were freed the following year. She lived (circa 1540-75).

1566-76 Lensmand Maren Eilersdatter Friis of Vejstrupgård Len
Marine or Maren Friis was widow of Claus Brockenhuus, she held the tenantcy for life. She (d. 1576).

1566-68 Lensmand Sidsel Eilersdatter Bryske of Vissenbjerg Birk
Inherited the tenantcy from her brother, Antonius (Klausen) Bryske. She was widow of Eskild Gøye. She (d. 1573).

1567 Lensmand of Odensegård (Dowager) Vibeke Podebusk 
1568-69 Lensmand of Stege (Dowager) 

1567-70 Lensmand of Vefre and Høgby (Dowager) Gørvel Sparre (Skåne)
1574-81 Lensmand of Verpinge (Dowager) (Skåne)
1574-1605 Lensmand of Borgeby (Personal) 
1582-1605 Lensmand of Frosteherred (Personal)
1582-1605 Lensmand of Börrerup (Personal) 
1586-1605 Lensmand of Sørby (Personal)
1599-1605 Lensmand of Skøtsherred (Personal, for life)
1601-05 Lensmand of Hiøgby and Lindholm (Skåne)
Owner of a vast estates. Appointed lensmand one of the few women lensmænd in her own right after having handed over substantial lands to the king, among others the important Norwegian estate of Giske, which she had owned since 1537. She lived (circa 1509-1605).

1567-? Lensmand of Rørum Tale Ulfstand (Skåne)
1595-95 Lensmand of Hesselbjerg (Skåne)
Later Lisbeth Rosenkrantz was also administrator of the fief.

1567-79 Lensmand Karen Eriksdatter Banner of Rugsø Herred Len
1580-82 Lensmand of Satsø
1582-1611 Lensmand  of Orlofgård Len
1588-1611 Lensmand  of Orlofgård Len
1611 Acting Lensmand of Jungshoved Len
1611 Acting Lensmand of Vordingborg Len with Bårse, Hammer and Tybjerg Herred
Karen Banner til Høgholt held the teantcy as security for a lone to her husband, Gregers Truedsen Ulfstand, who was County Sheriff 1548-80, and held the fief of Orlofgård after the death of her first husband Gregers Ulfstand and the fief of Jungshoved after the second, Henrik Lykke til Overgaard og Hverringe. She inherited the estate of Gisselfeld and Ryegård in 1588 after the death of Mette Rosenkrantz til Vallø, who had inherited it from her husband, Karen's uncle, Peder Oxe in 1575. (d. 1611).

1567-91 Lensmand Birgitte Eilersdatter Rønnow of Kirkeby Len
Birgitte Rønnow was widow of Henning Jørgensen Qvitzow til Sandager, Rørbæk, Lykkesholm and Falde (1513-1569), who had first been married to Ide Thomesdatter Lange to Lydum (d. 1553). She (d. 1590).

1567-91 Lensmand Anne Nielsdatter Friis of Gudumlund Len
Anne Friis eld the biscopal fief for life until she handed it over to Jens Kaas. She was married to Chresten Krabbe, mentioned to Viumgård in 1592.

1568-69 Acting Lensmand Rigborg Lauridsdatter Tinhuus of Silkeborg Len
Rigmor Tinhuus til Julskov was widow of Hans Johansen Lindenov. She was mother of 1 son and 2 daughters, and (d. 1572).

Until 1570 Lensmand Karen Pederdatter Fikkesen of Gedestorp Len
Karen Fikkesen was widow of Mads Torbernsen til Sandby (of the Hässelholm family), and held the tenantcy as security for lones.

Until 1570 Lensmand Karen Krumstrup of Toreby Birk
Widow of Lave Urne, she held it as security for lones jointly with Jakob Brockenhuus.

1570-71 Joint Lensmand Margrethe Bild of Ørbæk Len
Given the tenantcy for life together with her husband, Henrik Fris. They both died in 1571.

1571-92 Lensmand of Rødinge Beate Bille (Skåne)
Together with Sidsel Oxe

1572-73 and 1576-79 Lensmand Dorthe Iversdatter Krabbe of Spøtrup
Jomfru Dorthe Krabbe was granted the tenantcy jointly with her fiance Count Günther von Barby, but she died and she married Benedikt von Ahlefeldt. who was County Sheriff 1573-76 and after his death she married Erik Lykke.

1573 Lensmand of Helsingborg (Dowager) Anne Hardenberg
She died (1589)

Circa 1573-81 Lensmand Margrethe Christensdatter Sandbjerg of Øland and Vig Len
Margrethe Sandberg was widow of Niels Kjeldsen Juel til Astrup, Bøvling Len og Vilstedgård Len.

1574 Acting Lensmand Kirstine Clausdatter Ulfeldt of Koldinghus Len with Brusk, Jerlev, Holmans, Tørrild and ½ of Andst Herreds
Kirstine Ulfeldt was widow of Morten Svendsen (Orning) til Eget, who had been appointed Lensmand of Koldinghus in 1563 by Queen Dorothea, who held it as her dowry. He was member of a poor noble family and had first been married to Maren Clausdatter (Strangesen), widow of Godske Holck. Kirstine had first been married to Poul Abildgaard til Vranderup, and (d. 1589).

1574 Acting Lensmand Gørvel Abrahamsdatter Gyldenstierne of Høgsted, Katsløse and Magleby Len in Skåne (Then Denmark, now Sweden)
1574-77 Lensmand of Bekkeskov Kloster
Gørvel Gyldenstierne til Asserbo had exchanged other property to get the 3 tenantcies. She had first been married to Gert Jensen Ulfstand til Bønnet and secondly to Laue Truedsen Ulfstand til Torup. She (d. 1577).

1574 Acting Lensmand Berite Eriksdanner Banner of Vester Skerning Len
Berite Danner exchanged the tenantcy with other lands. Her first husband, Claus Bryske died 1565, in 1578 she married Knud Bille (d. 1592). She (d. 1591).

1575-76 Lensmand of Bygholm Karen Gyldenstierne (Dowager)
1586-? Lensmand of Snersted (Skåne)
A major land-owner, she lived (1544-1613)

1576-91 Lensmand Anne Mandrupsdatter Holck of Hørby Len
Anne Holck til Stadsgård was widow of Verner Tønnesen Parsberg til Harrested og Sandbygår, Lensmand of Sölvesborg (d. 1567). She (d. 1591).

1578 Acting Lensmand Birgitte Timmesdatter Rosenkrantz of Nebbegård Len
1580 Acting Lensmand of Rosenkrantz of Kalundborg Len with Arts Løve, Ods Skippinge Herreds and Samsø
Birgitte Rosenkrantz was widow of Bjørn Kaas who was Lensmand in Helsingborg and Malmöhus. She later had a relationship to her late husband's cousin, Gjord Kaas. Because it was considered to be incest at the time, she was executed on the command of King Christian 4. Gjord went into exile, and when he returned after 17 years he too was executed. According to the legend she is today the "White Lady" a ghost at Stårup Castle. (d. 1603).

1578 Lensmand Bege Clausdatter Emmiksen of Hundsbæk Len
Bege Emmiksen til Damgård was widow of Peder Galskyt (d. circa 1554). She (d. circa 1613).

1578 Lensmand Magdalene Clausdatter Sested of Æbelø Len
Magalene Sested was widow of Mourids Podebusk. She lived (1538-1611).

1578 Lensmand Kirsten Pedersdatter Galt of Børglum Kloster Len
Kirsten Galt til Tyrrestrup was widow of Erik Kaas til Voergård og Lindbjergård, Lensmand of Børglum Kloster 1574. He had first been married to Berte Seefeld. She lived (1536-1616).

1578-79 Lensmand of Aalborghus (Dowager) Margrete Lange

1579-80 Acting Lensmand Dorthe Mogensdatter Gyldenstierne of Åkær with Hadsherred
Dorthe Gyldenstierne was in charge after the death of her husband, Christian Munk former Stadtholder of Norway etc.. She lived (1547-1583).

1579-82 Lensmand Margrethe Rantzau of Gudum Kloster Len
Widow of Otto Emmiksen. Detailed information missing.

1580-.. Lensmand Gese Brokkenhuus of Rynkeby Len with Gudme Herred
Exchanged the tenantcy with other estates. Widow of Erik Bille. Detailed information missing.

1580 Acting Lensmand Kirsten Clausdatter Ulfeldt of Skodborg Len
Kirsten Ulfeldt had the tenantcy exchanged to her on behalf of her children. First married to Poul Abildgaard (d. 1563) as his third wife and secondly to Svend Mogensen Orning til Eget, who had first been married to Maren Clausdatter Strangesen Bild (circa 1502-73), who was County Sheriff of Koldinghus. She (d. 1589).

1580-1604 Lensmand of Segelstrup (Dowager) Ingeborg Skeel
1586-1604 Lensmand of Amtofte and Strekhals 
A major landowner, she held the fief for life. She was widow of Otte Banner, and lived (circa 1545-1604)

1580 Lensmand of Kalundborg (Dowager) Birgitte Rosenkrantz

1580-81 Lensmand of Gårdsstange Anne Parsberg (Skåne)
1580-93 Lensmand of Vram, Visby, Stibberup
1580-93 Lensmand of Revinge
She was widow of Hans Skovsgaard. 

1580-92 Lensmand Else Hansdatter Mule of Nordby Len
Else Mule was widow of Iver Bertelsen, Magister in Sorø, Headmaster of Ringsted Kloster (1548-83) and Niels Pedersen Krag, Professor of History, Royal Histographer, Rector of Copenhagen University and Headmaster of Sorø Academy (d. 1602), who was send on various diplomatic missions and was ennobled by King James of Scotland. Her family had held the position of mayor of Odense for generations. SHe lived (1556-1605).

1580-.. Lensmand Gese Brokkenhuus of Rynkeby Len with Gudme Herred
Exchanged the tenantcy with other estates. Widow of Erik Bille. Detailed information missing.

1580 Acting Lensmand Kirsten Clausdatter Ulfeldt of Skodborg Len
Kirsten Ulfeldt had the tenantcy exchanged to her on behalf of her children. First married to Poul Abildgaard (d. 1563) as his third wife and secondly to Svend Mogensen Orning til Eget, who had first been married to Maren Clausdatter Strangesen Bild (circa 1502-73), who was County Sheriff of Koldinghus. She (d. 1589).

1580 Acting Lensmand Anne Iversdatter Krabbe of Åkær Len with Hadsherred
Anne Krabbe was widow of Axel Viffert, who had taken over the teantncy in 1579. She married Erik Kass til Voergaard in 1595 and became a widow again 3 years later. Her sister, Karen, was Acting Lensmand in 1594. Anne was mother of 2 daughters by her first husband and 1 by the second, and (d. 1625).

1581 Lensmand Karen Ottesdatter Gyldenstierne of Sølvitsborg Len with Medelsta, Vester or Bregne and Lister Herreds in Blekinge
1586-89 Lensmand of Snersted in Skåne (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
Karen Gyldenstierne was also known as Karen Ottes. Her husband Jørgen Marsvin (1527-81) was Lensmand at Landskrona and Member of the Danish Council of State until his death. Her cousin, Karen Gyldenstierne, was Acting Lensmand of Bygholm 1575-76. Karen Ottes lived (1542-89).

1581 Acting Lensmand Christence Nielsdatter Rotfeld of Bygholm Len with Bjerge, Hatting and Nim Herreds
Christence Rotfeld was widow of Bjørn Kaas, who had taken office the previous year. Mother of 7 children, and lived (circa 1535-1601).

1583-98 Joint Lensmand of Vissenbjerg Birk Magdalene Emiksdatter
Was given the fief for life together with her sister, Margrethe.

1583-98 Joint Lensmand of Vissenbjerg Birk Margrethe Emiksdatter 
Held the fief jointly with her sister.

1583-1603 Lensmand of Gislumsherred and Ramsø (Dowager) Beate Brahe
She was given the fief for life as security for a lone. She was widow of Jørgen Lykke.

1583 Acting Lensmand Lisbeth Christoffersdatter Galde of Vinstrupgård Len
Lisbeth Galde was in charge of the tenantcy after the death of her first husband, Eggert Ulfeldt. Later married Jørgen Friis, as his third wife. He was County Sheriff of Vinderslevgård and Lysgård Herred, Skivehus, Hald, Akershus and Sejlstrup, also Judge, Councillor of the Realm and Stadtholder of Norway. They were burried on the same day. (d. 1616).

1583-84 Lensmand of Aalborghus (Dowager) Karen Friis

1584 Acting Lensmand Hilleborg Hansdatter Lindenov of Visborg Len with Gotland (At the time Denmark, now Sweden)
Hilleborg Lindenov was in charge of the tenantcy after the death of her husband, Emmike Kaas. She later married Hans Speil til Borreby og Julskov, and (d. 1602).

1585-86 Lensmand of Vordingborg (Dowager) Kirstine Lykke 

1586-87 Lensmand of Vesterstad Kirstine Lindenov (Skåne)

1586-.. Lensmand Kirsten Ludvigsdatter Gyldenstierne of Vesterbygård Len
Kirsten Gyldenstierne was widow of Gregers Carlsen Bryske til Skaftelevgård (d.1566) and Erik Bassesen Basse, County Sheriff of Dalby Kloster in Skåne (d. after 1581) as his second wife.

1586-1626 Lensmand Beate Huidtfeldt of Møllerud and Epholt (Skåne)
1615-26 Lensmand of Lunde and St. Peders Kloster
She was widow of Knud Ulfeld and held the small fiefs as security for some loans. 

1587-95 Lensmand of Vesterstad Pernille Gøs (Skåne)

1587-90 Lensmand of Åhus and Åsum Tale Tot  (Skåne)

1587 Lensmand Lene Tagesdatter Thott of Hammershus with the 4 Herreds of Bornholm
Lene Thott was widow of Henrik Brahe. Mother of 7 children, and (d. 1599).

1588-1631 Lensmand of Lolland-Falster Queen Dowager Sophie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
1588-1631 Lensmand of Ravnsborg
Widow of Frederik 2. She was regent for son Christian 4. in Slesvig-Holsten 1588-94.She was ingaged in a power struggle with the Regents of Denmark, The Council of State, which had Christian declared of age in 1593, but she did not give up her position in the Duchies before the next year. Withdrew to Lolland-Faster, where she managed her estates extremely well and became very rich and she lend her son a lot of money for his warfares. She lived (1557-1631)

1589-94 Lensmand of Nederby Anne Pedersdatter (Skåne)

1589-94 Lensmand Anne Pedersdatter Galt of Nederby Len (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
Anne Galt was widow of Anders Keldsen Bing, Councillor of the Realm, County Sheriff of Nederby and Varberg. (d. 1589) without children as the last male of his family. She lived (1546-after 1605).

1589 Lensmand Anne Jørgensdatter Vestermand of Thistedgård with Hundborg Herred
Anne Venstermand til Pilegård was widow of Godske Brockenhuus, and (d. after 1607).

1591 Lensmand of Malmøhus  (Dowager) Anne Gyldenstierne
1591-92 Lensmand of Kalundborg (Dowager)

1592 Lensmand of Hald (Dowager) Hilleborg Daa

1592 Acting Lensmand Lisbeth Mikkelsdatter Seested of Roskildegård with Harritsborg and Kirketjenerne under bispegården og Fadeburslenet
Lisbeth Seested was widow of Niels Vernersen Parsberg til Harrested og Sandbygård. She lived (1555-1624).

1592-93 Lensmand Christence Cortiftzdatter Viffert of Vinstrupgård Len
Christence Vifferet was widow of Henrik Bille til Mogenstrup (1559-92). Mother of one son, and (d. 1604).

1594 Lensmand of Malmøhus (Personal) Tale Ulfstand
She took over as lensmand after her brother's death.

1594 Acting Lensmand Karen Iversdatter Krabbe of Hammershus with the 4 Herreds of Bornholm
Karen Krabbe was in charge of the tenantcy after the death of her husband, Falk Falksen Gøye. Mother of 2 children, and (d. 1602).

1595-96 Lensmand of  Åkjær and Sønderlyngherred (Dowager) Birgitte Braade

1596-99 Lensmand Margrethe Rosenkrantz of Hindsgavl
After Hans Johansen Lindenov

1596 Acting Lensmand Dorthe Gundesdatter Lange of Kalø Len with Mols, Nørre and Sønderherred, Djurs, Sønderhand and Østerlisberg Herreds
Dorthe Lange was widow of Jørgen Rosenkrantz, chancellor and leader of the regency government for the minor King Christian 4. She was mother of 3 children, and lived (1541-1613).

1599-1600 Lensmand Sophie Pedersdatter Bille of Mariager Len
Sophie Bille til Svanholm was widow of Jakob Seefeld til Visborg. She lived (1549-1608).

1600-01 Acting Lensmand Mette Gregersdatter Ulfstand of Sølvitsborg Len with Medelsta, Vester or Bregne and Lister Herreds in Blekinge and Høgby and Vefre Len in Skåne (At the time part of Denmark, now Sweden)
1601-02 Acting Lensmand Lykå Len in Blekinge and Dragsmark Kloster in Norway
Following the death of her husband, Knud Grubbe til Alslev (1542-1600), Mette Ulfstand took over as County Sheriff - Lensmand, and acted as the King of Denmark's representative in the fiefs also in the landscapes of Blekinge and Skåne. 1620 she handed over Lykå to her son-in-law, Siverd Grubbe. She lived (1554-1602).

1601-02 Lensmand Lisbeth Trolle of Dalby (Skåne)
Acted after her husband, Gabriel Sparre, had died.

1601-02 Lensmand Else Lindenov of Dalum
Widow of Absalon Gø til Kærstrup

1601-02 Joint Lensmand Agathe Seefeld of Bygholm
Took over after the death of her husband, Niels Skram til Urup together with daughter.

1601-02 Joint Lensmand Elsebet Skram of Bygholm
Acted together with her mother.

1601-02 Acting Lensmand Margrethe Viffert of Hanherred Len
Widow of Jørgen Urne til Viffertholm.

1602 Acting Lensmand Margrethe Munthe of Sorø Len
Acted after the death of her husband, Headmaster of Sorø Akademi, Hans Mikkelsen.

1602 Acting Lensmand Anne Kaas of Hindsgavl with Vendsherred
Widow of Preben Bild til Lindholm.

1603-16 Lensmand Vibeke Griis of Sandby (Skåne)
1608-40 Lensmand of Hørjre (Skåne)
She was widow of Peder Munk, and held the fief of Hørjre for life.

1604-05 Lensmand Anne Rønnow til Skousborg of Hagenskov and Eskebjerg
1604.... Lensmand of Strynø
After Erik Hardenberg. (d. 1609).

1604-05 Lensmand Anne Lykke of Lundegård
After Mourids Stygge til Holbækgård

1605-35 Joint Lensmand Else Kristendatter Munk of Løndborg Bispegaard Len
Given the teantcy for life jointly with her husband, Kristoffer Gersdorf, as security for lones.

1606-07 Lensmand Adel Hansdatter of Sorø
After Anders Kristensen

1607-08 Lensmand Maren Juel of Visborg at Gotland
She acted after the death of her husband, Herman Juel til Aabjerg

1610-15 Lensmand Beate Huitfeldt til Møllerød of Gersherred Len, in Skåne 
1615-26 Lensmand of St. Peders Kloster in Lund
Married to Knud Ebbesen Ulfeldt til Svenstorp (d. 1586). Mistress of the Court Hofmesterinde of Queen Anna Cathrine von Brandenburg from 1597 until her death in 1612 and for the three young princes until 1617. She was given the tenantcy of Gers Herred i Skåne and 1615 med St. Peders Kloster i Lund, also Skåne. Mother of one son, and lived (1554-1626).

1610 Lensmand Elsebet Juel of Hammershus (Dowager)
After the death of her husband, Hans Lindenov til Øsløf

1611-12 Lensmand of Odensegård and Tranekær (Dowager) Ellen Marsvin
1620-39 Lensmand of Dalumkloster (Personal)
1626-38 Lensmand of Davinde (Personal)
One of the biggest landowners of her time. Her daughter, Kirsten Munk, was married to King Christian IV. Fru Ellen Marsvin lived (1572-1649).

1611-12 Acting Lensmand Anne Rosenkrantz of Silkeborg Len with Hids, Lysgård and Vrads Herred
Widow of Frans Rantzau to Brobygard. She held ecclesiastical juristiction.

1612 Lensmand Margrete Brahe, Landskrona (Skåne) (Dowager)
She acted after the death of her husband, Kristen Bernekov.

1612-13 Lensmand Anne Lykke of Arnsborg
After the death of her husband, Klavs Maltesen Sehested

1613-14 Lensmand Else Bille of Århusgård
After the death of Karl Bryske. 

1614-16 Lensmand Karen Skinkel of Holbæk
She was in charge of the fief after the death of her husband, Anders Dresselberg til Vognserup.

1615-16 Acting Lensmand Margrethe Lange of Bygholm Len with Bjerge, Hatting and Nim Herred
Widow of Knud Brade (Brahe) til Englsholm.

1615-27 Acting Lensmand Beate Hvitfeld of Lunde Sankt Peders Kloster
The owner of Møllerød, she was in charge of the tenantcy after the death of her husband, Knud Ulfeld.

1616-17 Lensmand Mette Hardenberg of Bøvling
After the death of Preben Gyldenstjerne til Vosborg.

1616-17 Lensmand Kristine Hardenberg of Dalum and Strynø
After the death of Axel Brade til Elved

1616 Acting Lensmand Hilleborg Krafse of Søbygaard Len with Løveherred
Hilleborg Krafse acted after the death of her husband, Mogens Gøye. She also owned a number of estates, among others Hald.

1616-17 Acting Lensmand Pernille Gyldenstierne of Hagenskov with Bogherred
Widow of Jakob Rosenkrantz til Kærstrup.
1616-40 Lensmand Karen Andersdatter of Hven
She was the mistress of King Christian 4. in the years 1613-16 and mother of two daughters, who died in infancy, and the son; Hans Ulrik Gyldenløve with him. (d. 1673)

1617-18 Lensmand Sofie Below of Skivehus
After the death of Kristen Tot til Boltinggård.

1618-19 Lensmand Anne Hansdatter of Kronborg
She acted after the death of her brother, Kristen Hansen (Baden) til Nørård. 

1619-20 Acting Lensmand Dorte Juul, Århusgård with Hasle, Ning and Vesterlisbjerg Herred
Widow of Jørgen Kaas til Geldskov.

1619-20 Acting Lensmand Anne Brade of Sølvitsborg with Bregneherred and Lister
Widow of Otto Lindenov til Boreby.

1620 Lensmand of Kalundborg Sofie Rostrup
After Sten Brade til Knudstrup.

1620 Acting Lensmand Sofie Brade of Vestervig Len
Widow of Jørgen Lunge til Odden

1621 Acting Lensmand Else Marsving of Tranekær Len with the two Herred of Langeland
Widow of Enevold Kruse.

1622 Lensmand Helle J
ørgensdatter Marsvin of Arnsborg
In 1601 she had inherited Vapnö, one of the three biggest manor houses in Halland. She became acting County Sheriff after the death of her husband, Jakob Bek til Beldringe

1623 Lensmand of Kalundborg with Arts, Skippinge and Samsø and Lensmand of København (Dowager) Anne Lykke
A major landowner, she took over as County Sheriff after the death of her husband Kaj Rantzau til Rantzausholm, she lived (1644-1720).

1624 Lensmand Lisbeth Gyldenstierne of Dragsholm
Acted after the death of her husband, Oluf Ronsensparre         

1624-? Lensmand Kirsten Hansdatter of Kullegaard (Skåne)
She was widow of Bernd Vacke

1626-27 Acting Lensmand Birgitte Gyldenstierne of Halsted Kloster and Ravnsborg Len with Lålands Herred and Nørre- and Sønderherred
Widow of Axel Urne til Rygård.

1629-42 Lensmand Dorothea Hansdatter of Sællemarksgård with Samsø
After Jakob Brun

1630-31 Lensmand Birgitte Brokkenhus of Nyborg
After Jakob Ulfeld til Ulfeldsholm

1631-32 Lensmand Jytte Brok of Vestervig
After Jørgen Skeel.

1632-4.. Lensmand Karen Pax, Kornerupgård
Widow of Erik Vasspyd

1634-35 Lensmand Birgitte Lindenov, Ålborghus
After Otto Skeel.

1634-35 Acting Lensmand Ide Lang af Bøvling with Skodborg Len, Vandfuld, Hind og Ulvborg Herred
Widow of Jens Juul til Jjeldgaard

1634-35 Acting Lensmand Hilleborg Christoffersdatter Krafse of Stege Len with the two Herreds of Møn
1653-55 Acting Lensmand of Hald Len
Hilleborg Krafse til Ravnholt became acting administrator Stege after the death of her first husband, Henrik Holk til Raunholt and of Hald after her second husband, Frands Pogwisch had died, who had been appointed County Sheriff of  Marie Kirkes Provsti in Oslo and Rakkestad Len in Norway at the time of their marriage in 1641 and he continued to be hold high positions at court. She (d. 1661).

1635-36 Acting Lensmand Anne Friis of Århusgård Len with Hasle, Ning and Vesterlisberg Herred
Widow of Laurids Lindenov til Oregård.

1639 Acting Lensmand Berte Friis of Riberhus with Gjørding, Skads and Veser Herred
Widow of Albert Friis.

1641-51 Joint Lensmand Leonora Christine Christiansdatter Countess af Slesvig og Holsten of Hørsholm Len
1643-64 Politically Influential in Denmark 
In 1641 her father, King Christian 4 granted her the tenantcy for life jointly with her husband, Corfitz Ulfeldt. Two years later he was appointed Chancellor of the Realm (Rigskansler), and since there was no Queen, she was de-facto first-Lady at the court. The death of her father in 1648 was followed by a power-struggle, which she and her husband lost. Her half-brother, Frederik 3, was elected king, but she and her husband continued to provoke the reigning couple. In 1651 they left the country and stayed by Queen Christina of Sweden until 1654, and then in Germany. In 1657 her husband sided with the Swedes during the war with Denmark, which Denmark lost. In 1659 her husband was charged with treason against the Swedish king, he was hit by a stroke, and she was in charge of his defence. They escaped to Denmark, where they were held in captivity until they were freed in 1662, after signing a number of humiliating declarations. Later the same year they were permitted to go abroad for treatment of Corfitz Ulfeldt, who had never recovered from the stroke, and during their travels, he made all kinds of plans against his brother-in-law. In 1663 she went to king Charles II to claim an old loan, but he gave her up to the Danes, she was transferred to Copenhagen and was put in prison in Blåtårn at the Royal Castle of Copenhagen, where she spend 22 years, while her husband died already in 1664. She was not freed until the death of her sister-in-law, Queen Sophie-Amalie, in 1685. During her time in Blåtårn, she wrote "Jammersmide" (Memory of Lamenting), one of the first Danish autobiographies by a woman, which was not published until 1869, though. She spent the rest of her life at the castle, Maribo Kloster. She was the mother of 10 children, and lived (1621-98).

1642 Acting Lensmand Lisbeth Lunge of Ålholm Len with Fuglse and Musse Herred
Widow of Palle Rosenkrantz.

1642-43 Acting Lensmand Sofie Rantzau of Hindsgaul Len with Vendsherred
Widow of Hans Rindenov.

1643 Acting Lensmand Ingeborg Arnfeld of Koldinghus with Anst, Brusk, Elbo, Holmans, Jerlev, Slaus, Nørvang, Tørrild and Malt Herred
Widow Ernst Normand til Selsø.

1644-46 Lensmand Anne Bech, Laholm (Halland)
After the death of her husband Kristen Bülow til Ingelstad

1645-54 Lensmand Regitze Grubbe of Hven
She was widow of Hans Ulrik Gyldenløve til Vindinge (1615-45), the son of Karen Andersdatter and Christian 4. Regitze lived (1618-1689).

1646-47 Lensmand Anne Lunge of Kalø
After the death of Jost Høg til Gjorslev

1646-47 Acting Lensmand Kirstine Lützow of Dronningborg Len with Galten, Gjerlev, Houlberg, Nørrehald, Onsild, Rugsø, Støvring and Sønderlyng Herred
Widow of Knud Ulfeld Jakobsen.

1647-53 Dowager Lady of Lolland-Falster Dowager Hereditary Princess Magdalene Sibylla von Sachsen
After her husband, Hereditary Prince Christian died, she withdrew to her dowry, but later married Duke Friedrich Wilhelm II zu Sachsen-Altenburg (d. 1669), with whom she had her first child, Friedrich Wilhelm in 1658, aged 41. She lived (1617-68)

1648-49 Lensmand Anne Rammel (Skåne) (Dowager)
Took over after the death of her husband, Knud Ulfeld til Østergaard. 

1648-49 Lensmand Margrethe Lunge of Koldinghus
After her husband, Mogens Bilde til Tirsbæk died. 

1648-51 Lensmand Christence Lindenov of Hindsgavl
After her husband, Klavs Sehested til Tim og Ørslev

1649-50 Acting Lensmand Regitze Urne of Ålholm Len with Fuglse and Musse Herred
Widow of Jost Frederik von Pappenheim til Søholt.

1650-51 Lensmand Jutte Høg of Århusgård
After the death of her husband, Niels Krag til Trudsholm

1650 Acting Lensmand Kirstine Rantzau af Lunde Sankt Peders Kloster
Widow of Falk Lykke.

1651-80 Lensmand Queen Sophie Amalie zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg of Denmark of Hørsholm Len
1651-58 Lensmand of Hven
1670-85 Dowager Lady of Lolland-Falster Len with Maribo Kloster
She got the tenantcy of Hørsholm as security for loans to her husband, Frederik 3, and she also administered the estates of Ibsholm and Dronninggård. She was quite influential during the reign of her husband from 1648. She was mother of among others, Prince Jørgen (George) the husband of Queen Anne of England and Scotland. Sophie Amalie lived (1628-85).

1651-61 Lensmand Anne Gyldenstjerne of Hagenskov
After Jørgen Brade til Hvedholm. She lived (1596-1677)

1652-54 Lensmand Anna Margrethe von Gøtzen of Abrahamstrup with Hornsherred
After the death of her husband, Jørgen Schult til Finstrup.

1652-58 Lensmand Karen Lange of Søbygaard 
Acted after the death of her husband, Kristoffer Gø til Assendrup.

1652-? Lensmand Elsbet of Kullegaard (Skåne)
She was widow of Thomas Jakobsen.

1653-55 Lensmand Margrethe Skeel of Stege
After Henrik Rammel.

1653-55 Acting Lensmand Ide Grubbe of Ålholm Len with Fuglse and Musse
Widow of Frederik Barnewitz til Rugbjerggård.

1655-56 Lensmand Dorthe Abilgaard of Antvorskov
After the death of her husband, Wentzel Rotkirk

1655-56 Acting Lensmand Mette Grubbe of Skivehus Len with Harre, Hindborg, Nørre and Rødding Herreds
Widow of Ebbe Jakobsen Ulfeldt til Urup, brother of Corfitz Ulfeldt.

1656-58  Lensmand Sidsel Friis of Nyborg
After Mogens Kaas til Støvring

1657-58 Lensmand Edel Rosenkrantz, Landskrona (Skåne) (Dowager)
She acted after the death of her husband, Kristen Bernekov.

1657 Acting Lensmand Anna Elisabeth von der Groeben of Halsted Kloster and Ravnsborg Len with Lålands Nørre and Sønderherred
Widow of Flemming Ulfeld.

1657-58 Acting Lensmand Øllegaard Gyldenstierne of Mariager Len
Widow of Kristen Friis til Lyngbygård.

1658 Acting Lensmand Karen Arnfeld of Halsted Kloster and Ravnsborg Len with Lålands Nørre and Sønderherred
Widow of Frederik Urne

1658 Lensmand Anne Vind of Kronborg
She acted after the death of her husband, Arent von der Kuhla

1658-59 Acting Lensmand Helvig Skinkel of Dalum Len, Denmar
Widow of Iver Vind til Nørholm.

1658 Lensmand Elisabeth Avgusta Christiansdatter Countess af Slesvig og Holsten of Kalundborg
After the death of her husband, Hans Lindenov til Hundslund. 

1659-60 Acting Lensmand Else Parsberg of Stjernholm Len with Bjerge, Hatting and Nim
Widow of Laurids Ulfeldt til Egeskov.

Before 1659-6... Lensmand Anne Skeel of Ørum
Acted as local administrator after the death of her husband, Kristoffer Hvas til Herregård.

1660-61 Lensmand Kristense Lykke of København with Smørrum, Sokkelund and Ølstykke Herred

1660-61 Lensmand Dorthe Urne of Hald Len
After Ove Gjedde, who was in office from 1658.

1661-62 Lensmand Cathrine Sehested of Dragsholm
Acted after the death of her husband, Siverd Urne til Raarup. 

1661-62 Lensmand Margrete Redtz of Århusgård
After Malte Sehested til Ryhave

1676-88 Lensmand Anne Blome of Riberhus and Møgeltønderhus Len

1699-1714 Dowager Lady of Lolland-Falster  Queen Dowager Charlotte Amalie of Hessen-Kassel
Widow of Christian 5. She lived (1650-1714)

1756-70 Royal Lensmand of Hørsholm Queen Dowager Sophie Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kumblach
Widow of Christian 6. She lived (1700-70)




Last update 08.08.08